– 66 –The following is a list of choices for (ZT):CHOICES FOR ZONET Y P E S :00 = No Response (Not Used)01 = Entry/Exit #102 = Entry/exit #203 = Perimeter04 = Interior Follower05 = Trouble Day/Alarm Night06 = 24 Hr Silent07 = 24 Hr Audible08 = 24 Hr Aux09 = Fire Alarm or Trouble10 = Interior w/Delay23 = No alarm responseCHOICES FOR SYSTEM OPERATION:20 = Arming-Stay (5800 RF)21 = Arming-Away (5800 RF)22 = Disarming (Code+Off) (5800 RF)31 = End of Exit Time32 = Start of Entry Time33 = Any Burglary Alarm34 = Code + # + 71 Key Entry35 = Code + # + 72 Key Entry36 = At Bell Timeout **37 = 2 Times Bell Timeout**38 = Chime39 = Any Fire Alarm40 = Bypassing41 = AC Power Fail42 = System Battery Low43 = Communication failure44 = RF low battery45 = Polling loop failure47 = Keypad failure51 = RF receiver failure52 = kissoff54 = fire zone reset55 = disarm + 1 minute56 = XX minutes (enter XX in field 1*74; stopcondition only)57 = YY seconds (enter YY in field 1*75; stopcondition only)58 = Duress60 = Select only if a non-Ademco AAV unit isbeing used; also select for Start and Stopif a 4204 relay module is being used.64 = VIM Fail65 = VIM Active66 = VIM Inactive** Or at Disarming, whichever occurs earlierS T O PThe "STOP" programming determines when and under what conditions the relaywill deactivate. The following items can be programmed: Restore Zone List, Zonetype/System Operation, and Partition.1) RESTORE ZONE LIST (ZL)....If a "RESTORE ZONE LIST" is used, therelay action will deactivate when all the zones in that list restore from aprevious fault or alarm condition. This will occur regardless of what isprogrammed to start the relay, therefore, a "RESTORE ZONE LIST" wouldnormally only be used when a "ZONE LIST" is used to start the relay.2) ZONE TYPE/SYSTEM OPERATION (ZT)....Instead of using a"RESTORE ZONE LIST" , a specific zone response type or action can beselected to deactivate the relay. If a specific zone response type is chosen,any zone of that type that restores from a previous alarm, trouble, or faultcondition will cause the relay to deactivate. If a "SYSTEM OPERATION" ischosen, that operation will cause the relay to deactivate.Relay ProgrammingM e n u sFrom #93 Menu Mode, select Relay Programming Menu.Press [*] to advance to next screen. Press # to backup to previous screen.ENTER RELAY NO.(00=QUIT) 01Enter the relay (output device) identification number1 - 8 . This is a reference number only, foridentification purposes. The actual module addressand relay number on the module are programmed inthe last two prompts.