– 42 –Programming StepsIMPORTANT:The programming scheme isdifferent than other Ademcocontrols and from previousversions of the VISTA-40. Besure to review these stepsbefore attempting to programthis system.1 . Set the keypads to the appropriate addresses.2 . Set factory defaults by pressing *97.This will automatically enable keypad addresses 00-03, so be sure at leastone keypad is set to one of these addresses.3 . Program system-wide (global) data fieldsUsing the programming form as a guide, enter program mode and programall system wide programming fields, including phone numbers, as well asany other programming fields required to customize the system to theneeds of the installation. These options affect the entire system,regardless of partitions. They include control options, downloader anddialer options, RF options, event logging options, etc. Refer to thePROGRAMMING DATA FIELDS section for a listing of the program fieldsarranged by function.Note that field 2*00 (number of partitions) & field 1*32 (RFexpander type) must be programmed before continuing.4 . Program partition-specific fieldsWhen the system-wide fields have been programmed, program allpartition-specific programming fields by first pressing [*][9][1] to select apartition 1-2 (while still in data field program mode). Then enter the firstpartition-specific field number *09. The next partition-specific field willautomatically be displayed when you are finished entering the value forfield *09. Partition-specific fields can have different values for eachpartition. To program the fields for the next partition, press *91, enter thedesired partition number, then enter field * 09. Refer to thePROGRAMMING PARTITION SPECIFIC FIELDS section for detailedinstructions.5 . Use #93 Menu Mode for device programmingRefer to the DEVICE PROGRAMMING section to assign keypad IDnumbers and default partitions for each keypad, and to selectivelysuppress certain keypad sounding. Use this mode to assign RF receivers(4281, 5881), output devices (4204 relay module), 4285 phone moduleand the VIM voice interface module as well.6 . Use #93 Menu Mode for zone programmingRefer to the ZONE PROGRAMMING section to program zone responsetypes, assign right loop zones and wireless zones, and assign zones topartitions and program dialer reports.7 . Use #93 Menu Mode for programming alpha descriptorsRefer to the ALPHA PROGRAMMING section to enter zone and partitiondescriptors and a custom installer's message.8 . Use #93 Menu Mode for programming relays, relay voicedescriptors and custom word voice substitutes.9 . Set Communication DefaultsRefer to the COMMUNICATION PROGRAMMING section for furtherinstructions if one of the four communication default programming sets isto be used.1 0 . Exit Programming ModeExit programming mode by pressing either *98 or *99. A second entry of*99 is required if the exit is being done from fields 1*00 and above.To prevent re-access to Programming mode using the Installer's code, use*98. The only way to re-access Programming mode is by depressing boththe [*] and [#] keys at the same time within 30 seconds of power up.Exiting by using *99 always allows reentry into Programming mode usingthe Installer's code. Either way of exiting will allow access via downloading.IMPORTANT: If local programming lockout is set via downloading,programming mode cannot be entered at the keypad.