K5320-2V2 4/04 Rev. A $'(0&2,&215(027(.(<3$'INSTALLATION AND SETUP GUIDEGENERAL INFORMATIONThe 6148ICON is an addressable remote keypad designedfor use with ADEMCO control panels. Addresses are set viathe keypad keys. The keypad keys are continuously backlitfor convenience.KEYPAD DISPLAY AND LEDSThe 6148ICON keypad contains icons and a three digit zoneidentifier to display system status (the universal icons areshown on page 3).The following table describes the LEDs and their functions:LED Function(Red)ARMEDLights when the system is armed in anymode.(Green)READYLights when the system is ready to bearmed.RETAININGSNAPSNOTE:TO REMOVE CASE BACKPUSH IN THE TWO MOUNTINGSNAPS LOCATED ALONG THEBOTTOM OF THE KEYPADAND LIFT UP.6148-ICON-005-V0✔Figure 1. Removing the Case-backUSE ANADDITIONALMOUNTINGSCREWHERE IFCASE BACKTAMPER ISTO BE USEDENTRY HOLEFOR HIDDENWIRINGKNOCKOUT FORSURFACE WIRINGKNOCKOUT FORSURFACE WIRING6148-ICON-008-V0MOUNTINGHOLESKNOCKOUTFORSURFACEWIRINGRETAINERCLIPFigure 2. Mounting and Wiring Entry6148-ICON-009-V0CASEBACKCLIPKEYPADDRILLBIT✔Figure 3. Locking Clip Installation (if required)SPECIAL-FUNCTION KEY PAIRSThe keypad also features special-function key pairs. Thesekey pairs may be used to activate panic alarms. See thecontrol's instructions for more details.The following key pairs are used by the 6148ICON tomanually activate silent emergency, audible emergency,personal emergency, or fire alarms:x [1] & [✱]x [✱] & [#]x [3] & [#]Key pairs activate immediately.CASE TAMPERA built-in tamper switch detects separation of the case-backfrom its mounting surface. To include tamper protection, anadditional mounting screw must be inserted in the case-back, as shown in Figure 2.The 6148ICON supports keypad tamper reporting. If thecontrol panel supports the tamper feature, no additionalkeypad programming is required. A tamper violation isreported on the keypad by displaying the keypad address introuble, preceded by the digit 1. For example, if there arethree keypads connected with addresses of 16, 17, and 18respectively, and a tamper violation occurs with keypadaddress 17, the other keypads would display that keypad’sviolation as 117.