F Performing upgradesThe X-DVI modules are fully upgradeable via flash upgrades in order to takeadvantage of Adder’s continual drive to improve products. Such upgradesrequire a Windows-based computer system to be linked via the special upgradeport located on the remote module.The upgrade process is handled by the KVM Firmware Uploader utility, which isavailable from the Adder Technology website (www.adder.com) and allows youto check the current revision of the X-DVI modules.Items required to use the upgrade utility• Optional serial upgrade cable.• A Windows-based upgrade computer with an RS232 serial port.• The latest version of the KVM Firmware Uploader and firmware files for theX-DVI - available from the Technical Support > Updates section of the AdderTechnology website (www.adder.com).To use the KVM Firmware Uploader utility1 - Obtain and run the KVM Firmware Uploader.Download the latest X-DVI KVM Firmware Uploader from the AdderTechnology website and install it on a Windows-based upgrade computerthat will be connected to the X-DVI remote module. The files are supplied asa compressed ZIP file. Decompress the ZIP file with an appropriate tool suchas WinZip (www.winzip.com) and copy all contained files to the same folderon the upgrade computer.2 - Connect the X-DVI remote module to the serial port of the computerWith power removed from the remote module, attach the small RJ-9connector of the optional upgrade cable to the UPG socket, located betweenthe USB and power sockets. Connect the other end of the cable to a vacantserial port of the upgrade computer.REMOTEADDUPGNote: There is noneed to change theserial port settingsof the upgradecomputer, thiswill be handledby the KVMFirmware Uploaderapplication.3 - Ensure that the local module is connected to the remote moduleIn the normal manner, check that the local and remote modules areconnected using a suitable link cable.Note: During the upgrade process, both modules require power. The localmodule can either be powered via its USB socket from an active computer,or by using another standard Adder power supply, similar to the one used bythe remote module.4 - Invoke upgrade mode and power on the modulesMove switch 1 on the remotemodule to the ON position - allother switches on this moduleand all switches on the localmodule should remain OFF.Power up both modules as wellas the upgrade computer.Optional serialupgrade cableADDER®1ON2 3 45 - Run the KVM Firmware Uploader utilityFrom that folder, select the KVMUploader icon to run the upgrade utility.The KVM Firmware Uploader dialog will be displayed:Set remote moduleswitch 1 to ON