47SECTION VIITROUBLESHOOTINGIMPORTANT: YOU MUST DISCONNECT and LOCKOUT THE ELECTRIC SUPPLY andTHE GAS SUPPLY or THE STEAM SUPPLY BEFORE ANY COVERS orGUARDS ARE REMOVED FROM THE MACHINE TO ALLOW ACCESSFOR CLEANING, ADJUSTING, INSTALLATION, or TESTING OF ANYEQUIPMENT per OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)STANDARDS.The information provided will help isolate the most probable components associated with the difficultydescribed. The experienced technician realizes, however, that a loose connection or broken or shorted wire maybe at fault where electrical components are concerned ... and not necessarily the suspected component itself.Electrical parts should always be checked for failure before being returned to the factory.IMPORTANT: When replacing blown fuses, the replacement must be of the exact rating as the fusebeing replaced. The information provided should not be misconstrued as a hand-book for use by an untrained person making repairs.WARNING: ALL SERVICE and TROUBLESHOOTING SHOULD BE PERFORMED BY AQUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL OR SERVICE AGENCY.WARNING: WHILE MAKING REPAIRS, OBSERVE ALL SAFETY PRECAUTIONSDISPLAYED ON THE DRYER or SPECIFIED IN THIS MANUAL.A. No L.E.D. (light emitting diode) display...1. Service panel fuse blown or tripped breaker.2. Blown control circuit L1 or L2 fuse.3. Failed microprocessor controller (computer).B. Drive motor not operating (does not start)...1. Failed drive motor contactor (relay).2. Failed arc suppressor (A.S.) board.3. Failed drive motor.4. Failed microprocessor controller (computer).