302. Technical Gas Dataa. Gas Specifications* Measured at gas valve pressure tap when the gas valve is on.b. Gas Connections:Inlet connection ----- 1-inch N.P.T.Inlet supply size ----- 1-inch N.P.T. (minimum)Btu/hr input (per dryer) ----- 343,0001) Natural GasRegulation is controlled by the dryer's gas valve's internal regulator. Incoming supply pressure mustbe consistent between a minimum of 6 inches and a maximum of 12 inches water columnpressure.2) Liquid Propane (L.P.) GasDryers made for use with L.P. gas have the gas valve's internal pressure regulator blocked open sothat the gas pressure must be regulated upstream of the dryer. The pressure measured at each gasvalve pressure tap must be a consistent 10.5 inches water column. There is no regulator or regulationprovided in an L.P. dryer. The water column pressure must be regulated at the source (L.P. tank) oran external regulator must be added to each dryer.* D.M.S. (Drill Material Size) equivalents are as follows:Natural Gas .................. #8 = .1990"Liquid Propane Gas ....... #31 = .1200"TYPE OF GASNATURAL LIQUID PROPANEMANIFOLD PRESSURE* 3.5 inches W.C. 10.5 inches W.C.INLINE PRESSURE 6.0 to 12.0 inches W.C. 10.5 inches W.C.TYPE OF GAS L.P.ConversionKitPart NumberModelNumberBTUPer HourRatingNATURAL LIQUID PROPANEQty. D.M.S.* PartNumber Qty. D.M.S.* PartNumberADG-115D 343,000 3 #8 140837 3 #31 140818 880876