EN • 7661Y0200.CENGLISHFRANCAISNEDERLANDSESpAñoLITALIANoРУССКИЙ DEuTSCHINSTALLATIoNdomestic hot Water connectionsPiPe dimensionsmodels cold / hot waterconnections auxiliary connexionsLe 130 Ø 3/4” [m] Ø 3/4” [F]sLe 160 Ø 3/4” [m] Ø 3/4” [F]sLe 210 Ø 3/4” [m] Ø 3/4” [F]sLe 240 Ø 3/4” [m] Ø 3/4” [F]sLe 300 Ø 3/4” [m] Ø 3/4” [F]The installation of a domestic safety unit is compulsory.In order to avoid water dropping on the tank, thedomestic safety unit should not be placed directelyabove the tank.The third domestic water outlet can be used as areturn from the domestic hot water circulation loop.Mains water kits could be in some countries due toapproval regulations.To avoid all risk of corrosion connect the sanitary tankdirectly in the earth.Domestic hot water kitA. Thermostatic mixing valveB. Mixed water outletC. Cold water inletD. Drainage connectionE. Expansion vessel connectionS. Safety unitTH. Outlet hot water tankTC. Inlet cold water tankab ectcthsd27561 1481013 91 1331111. Isolating valve2. Pressure reducer3. Non-return valve4. Expansion tank5. Safety valve6. Drain cock7. Air vent8. Thermostatic mixing valve9. Circulation pump10. Drawoff point11. Earth connectionRecommendations• The pipe feeding the tank with cold water must be fitted witha safety unit comprising at least the following:- An isolating valve [1]- a non-return valve [3]- a safety valve [5]: (set to < 10 bar)- a sanitary expansion vessel of appropriate dimensions.• When the operating pressure exceeds 6 bar a pressurereducer [2] must be installed before the safety unit.• Union fittings are recommended for easy removal of theconnections. Ideally the “dielectric” version is preferablein order to protect the connections against corrosion inthe presence of dissimilar metals such as copper andgalvanised steel.• The installation of an expansion vessel avoids safety valverunoff (loss of water).• Domestic hot water expansion vessel capacity:8 Litres: for the following models: 130 / 16012 Litres: for the following models: 210 / 240 / 300Please see the technical instruction manual of theexpansion vessel’s manufacturer for further details.