USING THE BOILERLEARNING YOuR wAY AROuND THE CONTROL PANELBefore carrying out any work on the boiler, switch thepower off at the mains switch fitted in the boiler roomby the electrician.1 - ON/Off switchThis must be used to switch the boiler off before carrying out anywork on it.2 - Power selection switchesThe control panel is fitted with two switches allowing the user toselect the boiler power according to his needs.When only the first switch is pressed down, the boiler power is limitedto the first stage using +/- half of the power (ideal in summer). Inorder for the boiler to run at full power, both of the switches must bepressed down.3 - Summer/Winter selector switch“Winter” position: provides both domestic hot water and centralheating functions. “Summer” position: The central heating circulatoris switched off. Only the domestic hot water function is provided. Ifthere is not enough hot water available, we recommend setting thethermostat (9) to a highervalue. When the weather turns cold again, simply select “Winter” toreactivate the heating system..4 - Mano-thermometerReads the boiler primary circuit (central heating) temperatureandpressure directly.5 - Thermostat adjustable between 60 and 85° CCentral heating systems are generally designed to operate at amaximum of 80° C. When used at lower temperatures, a 3-way mixervalve installed on the heating flow pipeallows the temperature to beset manually or, if you decide to install a regulator, automatically.We recommend that you set the thermostat to the maximum valuesto get the best out of the domestic hot water system.There is a risk of burns from hot water!The water stored in the domestic hot water tank in the boiler can beat a very high temperature.In all cases, install the thermostatic mixer on the domestic hot waterflow pipe which must not exceed 60° C.A mixer or mixing valve at each point of use is recommended.6 - Safety thermometerWhen the temperature in the boiler exceeds 103°C, the manually resetsafety thermostat is started up.CENTRAL HEATING SYSTEM GAuGE PRESSuREYour boiler is fitted with a central heating safety valve, set to 3 bar, andwith a pressure gauge.First make sure that the water in the system is still pressurised. Whencold and after the air in the system has been bled, the pressure gaugeshould show a pressure of between 1 and 2, depending on the heightof the building: (1 bar = 5m / 1.5 bar = 10 m and 2 bar = 15 m).To add water, open the filling valve.Make sure that the drain cock is properly closed after filling and isolatethe filling circuit from the central heating circuits. Bleed the air in thesystem to get an accurate water pressure reading.7 - Boiler shutdown indicator lightThis light is lit when the safety thermostat starts up or when the waterpressure in the boiler is too low.8 - Control UnitPlease see the enclosed instructions if you have chosen this option.Control panel126 37548EN • 16664Y4600 • DENFRRU PL DE IT ES NLuser GuIde