Combined Boilers & Water Heaters23Product DescriptionHeatMaster®70 - 1001. High limit thermostats pocket2. Domestic cold water inlet3. Automatic primary air vent4. Flue connection5. Domestic hot water outletand temperature and pressurerelief valve connection6. Stove enamelled metal casing7. Primary water flowconnection8. Stainless steel flue turbulators9. Flue pipes10. Rigid polyurethane foaminsulation11. Stainless steel inner tank12. Primary heating circuit13. Primary water returnconnection14. Combustion chamber15. Steel base16. Oil or gas burner17. Combustion chamber plate18. NIT coated flame tube(BG2000-S only)19. Control thermostat pocket20. Primary shunt pump21. Control panel22. Primary expansion vessels23. Primary filling loop withdetachable hose andnon-return valve24. Removable front panel2 3 4 5 678910111213141516171819202124BG2000-S/70 and BG2000-S/100 burner• High performance combined boiler and water heater• Stainless steel Tank-in-Tank design• Choice of burner :- Low-NOx premix gas or LPG (BG2000-S),- Pressure jet natural gas or LPG (Riello)- Pressure jet 28 sec or 35 sec oil (Riello)• Can also be used as a stand-alone water heater• Anti-Legionellae : hot water stored at a consistentlyhigh temperature• Built-in primary circuit shunt pump• Fully insulated with rigid polyurethane foam• Stove enamelled casing• Control panel including thermostats, combinedtemperature and pressure gauge, indicatorsand on/off switch• Available with balanced flue (BG2000-S burner only)• 63 kW output and up to 1219 litres of hot water at60oC in one hour (HM70)• 96.3 kW output and up to 1813 litres of hot water at60oC in one hour (HM100)• Vented or unvented use, with mains pressureSystemPaks availableACV has developed these burners specially for theHeatMaster 70 and 100 models. Part of the BG 2000-S air/gaspremix burner range, they have a metal fibre (NIT) flame tubeand smooth and near-silent ignition and operation. They areideal for use in applications where burner noise must be keptto a minimum.1242322HeatMaster® 70 -100