ACR30 PC/SC MCA Refernce ManualVersion 1.3/ January 2009Page 8 of 30idvation GmbHOtto-Hesse-Straße 19 / T5 Phone +49 6151 4923021D-64293 Darmstadt Fax +49 6151 www.idvation.com3.2.3. SCardListReadersDescriptions:This function returns application with a list of readers known to the system. Application must parse the buffer storingnames of readers to retrieve the name of individual reader.Synopsis:LONG SCardListReaders(SCARDCONTEXT hContext,LPCTSTR mszGroups,LPTSTR mszReaders,LPDWORD pcchReaders);Parameters:hContextHandle that identifies the communication context for the query (returned from a previous call toSCardEstablishContext).mszGroupsName of reader groups defined in the system. Use NULL here.mszReadersMulti-string buffer with list of readers. Reader names are separated by NULL characters.pcchReadersLength of the multi-string buffer in characters including NULL.Example Code:SCARDONTEXT hContext;LPSTR mszReaders;DWORD pcchReaders;LONG rv;rv = SCardEstablishContext (SCARD_SCOPE_SYSTEM, NULL, NULL, &hContext);rv = SCardListReaders (hContext, NULL, NULL, &pcchReaders) ;mszReaders = (LPSTR) malloc (sizeof(CHAR)* pcchReaders) ;rv = SCardListReaders (hContext, NULL, mszReaders, & pcchReaders) ;// Content of multi-string buffer, mszReaders, will look like:// “ACS ACR30U Reader1\0ACS ACR38U Reader\0\0”