6.0. USB InterfaceThe ACR101 (CCID) is connected to a computer through a USB following the USB standard.6.1. Communication ParametersThe ACR101 (CCID) is connected to a computer through USB as specified in the USB Specification.The ACR101 (CCID) is working in high speed mode, i.e. 480 Mbps, for the flash memory.Pin Signal Function1 VBUS +5V power supply for the reader2 D- Differential signal transmits data between ACR101 (CCID) and PC.3 D+ Differential signal transmits data between ACR101 (CCID) and PC.4 GND Reference voltage level for power supply6.2. EndpointsThe ACR101 (CCID) uses the following endpoints to communicate with the host computer:Control Endpoint 0 For setup and control purposesBulk OUT Endpoint 1 For the command to be sent from host to Mass Storage Interface(data packet size is 64 bytes)Bulk IN Endpoint 1 For response to be sent from Mass Storage Interface to host (datapacket size is 64 bytes)Bulk OUT Endpoint 2 For command to be sent from host to CCID Interface (data packetsize is 16 bytes)Bulk IN Endpoint 2 For response to be sent from CCID Interface to host (data packetsize is 16 bytes)Document Title HereDocument Title Here Document Title HereACR101 PC/SC Memory Card AccessVersion 1.0Page 8 of 19info@acs.com.hkwww.acs.com.hk