Ultrasonic velocity tester A1410 PulsarOperation Manual10ACOUSTICCONTROLSYSTEMSTab ModeDIGITALWAVEFORM11.4.2 Operation of the instrumentThe instrument operation is based on the measurement of the time needed for the ultrasonic pulse to propagate throughthe inspection object from the transmitting transducer to the receiving transducer. The ultrasonic velocity is defined by meansof dividing the distance between the points of emission and receiving of the ultrasonic pulses by the measured time. In order toincrease the accuracy of the measurements the ultrasonic pulses are emitted and received repeatedly. The value calculated byprocessing of several ultrasonic signals received successively is then shown on the display.The ultrasonic pulses are generated at the surface of the inspection object and propagate in form of elastic waves ofdifferent types. The time of ultrasonic pulse arrival is measured from the start of the earliest elastic excitation. Therefore, theinstrument measures the velocity of longitudinal ultrasonic waves that propagate with the highest velocity in the given material.1.4.3 Operating modesThe instrument can be operated using the following measurement modes:- DIGITAL: the results are indicated as digits;- WAVEFORM: the results are indicated in numeric and graphical forms with A scan.The SETUP mode is a service mode used to install and select the measurement parameters.1.4.4 DisplayIn the upper line on the display the information on the current measurement mode and the battery charge level are indicat-ed in all modes. The mode tab icons are given in the Table 2.Table 2