Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2009 353.8.2 Understanding backup to tape devices attached to the BackupServerArchives cataloguingAcronis True Image for Microsoft Small Business Server creates a dedicated database forarchives and tapes cataloguing (\Program files\CommonFiles\Acronis\Fomatik\tape_archives.fdb.)Each tape of an RSM-managed device has its own GUID stored in the Windows registry.Acronis True Image for Microsoft Small Business Server creates its own ID for each tape,sets up the correspondence between this ID and the RSM GUID and stores thatinformation along with information about the archive in its own database. Additionally, theprogram stores metadata on tape, so that identification information can be obtained whenmounting a tape that is not registered in the database.If the database is lost or not available (say, you detach the tape device and attach it toanother computer or reinstall Windows) the necessary information is derived from themetadata saved on the tape and the database will be recreated on the new host using thenew host RSM. This operation is performed at first access to the tape device while settingup a backup, recovery or validation task. Therefore, under Windows the program knowswhich tape should be mounted even if the data is recovered on another machine.When booted from Acronis rescue media or backing up to a locally attached tape device,Acronis True Image for Microsoft Small Business Server uses another mechanism foraccess to tape devices since RSM is not available.Moving tapes between tape devicesA tape that already has backups can be added to a tape device. When the tape device isselected in the recovery or validation wizard, the newly added tape is scanned by the RSMand then by Acronis and added to the Acronis database and the Acronis, or Import Mediapool. The access to the archives on the tape becomes available.However, Acronis will not scan the added tape for changes if the tape already is in theAcronis database. If you eject a tape, back up another machine on this tape and take thetape back to the first tape device, the second machine archive will not be discovered byAcronis and therefore cannot be restored by the first tape device. Please be aware of thislimitation when using tapes between multiple computers.Using RSM poolsAt first backup to the tape device, Acronis True Image for Microsoft Small Business Servertakes a tape from the Free pool. The program creates the Acronis pool and puts the 1sttape in the pool. The tape stays mounted after writing a backup is completed. The nextbackups, regardless of their contents, will be placed on the same tape, unless the tapefree space runs out.When the 1st tape is full, the program looks for another cartridge in the Free pool anduses it without user intervention. If the Free pool is empty, a cartridge from the Importmedia pool is used through a prompt. (You have an option to disable prompts, see6.3.14 Additional settings.)So, to fully automate changing tapes at backup, you must always have at least one tapein the Free pool (or a tape in the Import media pool and the prompt disabled.)Overwriting old archivesYou can move tapes with outdated archives from the Acronis pool to the Free poolperiodically using the Removable storage snap-in. To do so: