Tasks need interactionThis window accumulates all the tasks that require user interaction in one place. It enables you tospecify your decision, such as to confirm reboot or to retry after freeing-up the disk space, on each ofthe tasks. Until at least one task requires interaction, you can open this window at any time from themanaged machine's Dashboard (p. 60).If you select the check box for the Do not show this window when tasks require interaction. I willsee this information in the tasks' details and dashboard. parameter, the tasks will be displayed onthe Dashboard among other alerts and warnings.Alternatively, you can review the task execution states in the Backup plans and tasks (p. 62) viewand specify your decision on each task in the Information panel (or in the Task details window).5.1.2 Backup plans and tasksThe Backup plans and tasks view keeps you informed of data protection on a given machine. It letsyou monitor and manage backup plans and tasks.A backup plan is a set of rules that specify how the given data will be protected on a given machine.Physically, a backup plan is a bundle of tasks configured for execution on a managed machine. To findout what a backup plan is currently doing on the machine, check the backup plan execution state. Abackup plan state is a cumulative state of the plan's tasks.The status of a backup plan helps you toestimate whether the data is successfully protected.A task is a set of sequential actions to be performed on a machine when a certain time comes orcertain event occurs. To keep track of a task's current progress, examine its state (p. 63). Check a taskstatus to ascertain the result of a task.Way of working Use filters to display the desired backup plans (tasks) in the backup plans table. By default, thetable displays all the plans of the managed machine sorted by name. You can also hide theunneeded columns and show the hidden ones. See the Filtering and sorting backup plans andtasks (p. 68) section for details. In the backup table, select the backup plan (task). Use the toolbar's buttons to take an action on the selected plan (task). See the Actions on backupplans and tasks section for details. You can run, edit, stop and delete the created plans and tasks. Use the Information panel to review detailed information on the selected plan (task). The panelis collapsed by default. To expand the panel, click the chevron. The content of the panel isalso duplicated in the Plan details and Task details windows respectively. Understanding states and statusesBackup plan execution statesA backup plan can be in one of the following execution states: Idle; Waiting; Running; Stopping;Need Interaction.Plan states names are the same as task state names because a plan state is a cumulative state of theplan's tasks.State How it is determined How to handle