Y1-03-0079-1 Rev. B65.0 INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE5.1 INSTALLATIONThe Survival Radio and its protective cover shall be packed with the ship’s survival craftor in a survival suit. When not packed with a life raft, the radiotelephone should be storedin an accessible place, as close to the survival craft as possible.5.2 MANDATORY TESTING5.2.1 Radiotelephones operated within the U.S.A. must be operationally tested on a periodicbasis (FCC regulations, Part 80, section 80.834, until superseded by section 80.1095). Totest the radiotelephone, follow the steps given below (Note: this test requires that aseparate VHF marine radio transceiver be used to monitor transmitted and receivedsignals). Any transmissions effected for the purpose of testing the Survival Radio shall beas brief as possible. The recommended test message format is as follows: “station receiving the test message> THIS IS text>”. EXAMPLE: “BLUE DUCK THIS IS MARYJANE WXT599”. When a second radiotelephone or the ship's receiver is utilized tomonitor proper operation of the Survival Radio, the test distance between devices shouldbe kept to a maximum and the following message format should be observed: “station transmitting this text> THIS IS MOBILE 1”. EXAMPLE: “MARY JANE THIS IS MARY JANE MOBILE 1 WXT599”(NOTE: if the unit to be tested is not on board the vessel containing the fixed station,“UNIT 1” should be used rather than “MOBILE 1”).a. Remove the radio from its survival craft package.b. Remove control panel protective cover.c. Press and hold ON/OFF button for one (1) second.d. Listen for the tone and for the squelch action 3 seconds after activating the unit.e. The receiver tunes to Channel 16 automatically when unit is turned ON.f. Listen for any activity on the frequency (channel 16).g. If no activity is detected, transmit the test message and have someone monitor thetransmission (see above for suggested test message formats).h. If the test signal was not heard (full quieting), replace the battery and retest. If thetest signal is still not heard (full quieting), have the unit inspected at your nearestauthorized service center.i. Have someone return the call from the monitoring station (lowest power setting) toverify proper radiotelephone receiver operation.