Light Scheme Result Light MeaningGPS Downloaded Data andSent in Test BurstGPS Unable to DownloadTest Not Initiated: GPSSelf Test Limit ExceededGPS Self Testing (GNSS Self-Test)The GPS receiver is located under the bottom front portion ofthe case. It is imperative that the receiver is not obstructedduring Self-Test or activation to ensure that the GPS receiver isacquiring your latitude (LAT) and longitude (LON) position. Thistest must be performed outside with a clear view of the sky.This beacon has enough excess battery life to perform 12 GPSself tests over the 5 year life of the battery. Once this GPStesting feature reaches 12 times, the feature will be disabled byinternal software.To perform a GPS Self Test:1. Unclip the antenna latch from the case.2. Move antenna into the upright position3. Depress the Test button for 5+ seconds3 Green LEDs will flash followed by a continuous series of REDflashes until GPS has been downloaded into the beacon. Oncevalid GPS data has been obtained, a long GREEN flash willappear followed by a flash of the Strobe Light. This indicates asuccessful GPS Self Test. This will take no longer than twominutes.3 Red LEDs at the start of test indicates that 12 GPS test havebeen performed; the test will not run.If at the end of the GPS Self Test, a long Red light appears, thisindicates that the beacon was unable to find your GPScoordinate.136. Testing Your Beacon Quick Tip:A Basic Self Test will takeroughly 10 seconds toperform and complete.A GPS Self Test will takeroughly 45-120 seconds toperform and complete.Battery Witness Seal LifeIf your beacon flashes an initial Amber light at the beginning of theSelf- test, this indicates that your electronic witness has beenbroken and you have used more than 1 hour of battery life. Whilethe beacon will still operate normally in a distress situation, ACRstrongly recommends you have your battery replaced and theelectronic witness reset to ensure that you will have at least 24hours of battery power.Every 3secondsEvery 3seconds