CABINET COOLING GUIDEINTAKE AND EXHAUSTAll cabinet fan systems should contain anintake and an exhaust variable, which caneither be fans or ventilation holes. This isrequired to balance the static pressuresbetween the inside and outside of thecabinet.FAN POSITIONINGDue to natural convection, warmer airwhich is less dense than colder air willrise on its own. It is ideal to position fansnear the top of the cabinet configured toexhaust out the warmer air and positionfans near the bottom to push in colder air.CFM REQUIREMENTSA fan or set of fan’s CFM rating measuresthe rate at which air flows in of a space.To obtain the required CFM rating, dividethe dimensions of a cabinet by 1728 to getthe cubic feet area then multiply by threeto account for various real world variables.SIZE OF CABINETL x W x H (inches)17286