Absco Industries Assembly Instruction ManualABSCO SIGNATURE GAZEBOMODEL: ADGAZEBO333.11m W x 3.11m D x 2.60m HModel: ADGAZEBO33 21/09/23 1.001AU: 1800 029 701N Z: 0800 466 444admin@absco.com.auwww.abscosheds.com.au2^ fallto rearoFRONTFor construction in non-cyclonic areasWind rating: N3 as per AS4055-2021.If you require a higher wind rating please contactus: admin@absco.com.au or 1800 029 701NOTE - Concrete slab must be a minimum of100mm thick, 20 MPa concrete reinforced withSL72 mesh and extend for the full area covered bythe structure.3110 mm3115 mm3014 mm2585 mm3014 mm