Absco Industries Assembly Instruction ManualABSCO PREMIER SHEDMODEL: 30152GK3.00mW x 1.52mD x 1.95mHModel: 30152GK 1.1110/05/19Download the AbscoSheds Assembly Appfor instructional videosMANU FA CT UREDIN A US TR ALIASNAPTiTEAssemb lyAU: 1800 029 701N Z: 0800 466 444admin@absco.com.auwww.abscosheds.com.auCONCRETE SLAB3100mm1620mmWhen laying concrete slab, ensure thereis a rebated edge 25mm deep aroundthe perimeter. This will help water egressfrom the base of the shed.ABSCO INDUSTRIES ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTION MANUAL SHED MODEL: 23151GK 21-11-2017CONCRETE SLAB2360mm1620mmFRONT: 2.26mSIDE: 1.52mHEIGHT: 1.95mWe thank you for choosing an Australian madeshed. For further assistance please visit our detailedinstructional video library atHttp://www.abscosheds.com.au/watch-videosAt ABSCO Industries we are always looking to benumber ONE, so please let us know what you thinkof our instructions. Feedback makes us better.feedback@absco.com.auCONCRETEREBATED EDGEBOTTOM CHANNELCONCRETE SLAB75mm WIDE REBATE100mmWHEN LAYING YOUR CONCRETESLAB, ENSURE THERE IS AREBATED EDGE 25mm DEEPAROUND THE PERIMETERTHIS WILL HELP WATER EGRESSFROM THE BASE OF THE SHEDAbsco IndustriesPremier Shed Model: 23151GKPAGE 01For construction in non-cyclonic areasWind rating: N2 as per AS4055-2012.If you require a higher wind rating please contactus: admin@absco.com.au or 1800 029 701NOTE: This shed can be upgraded to windrating: C1 as per AS4055-2012 with the additionalpurchase of a Cyclone Kit.