Part number 20072, Rev 04INSTALLATIONUNCRATINGMove the unit as close to the final location as possible before unpacking. Remove from thebox and the styrofoam base. The location should be as close as possible to the power outletso an extension cord is not needed. This unit requires a minimum of 4 inches of air flowspace in back and 3 inches on the sides and top. Do not store material on the top of thisunit.LEVELINGYou can level your unit with the screw-type adjustable leveling legs on the front corners ofthe unit. Turn counterclockwise to raise the corner; turn clockwise to lower it. Leveling legsare required in front only. Unit may have a slight tilt from front to back after legs areinstalled. This is acceptable and is recommended on this unit.POWER SOURCEThe supply circuit to this cabinetmust conform to all National andLocal Electrical Codes. Consult thecabinet Serial-Data plate forvoltage, cycle, phase, and amprequirements before makingconnection. VOLTAGE SHOULDNOT VARY MORE THAN 5% FROMSERIAL PLATE RATINGS. A separate circuit isrecommended to prevent possible loss of productdue to over-loading or failure of other equipmenton the same circuit. PROTECT THE CIRCUIT WITH A20 AMP DELAY-TYPE FUSE OR CIRCUIT BREAKER.Do not use an extension cord. Be sure your unit isproperly grounded. Use the 3-prong plug providedinto a 3-prong grounded outlet. (Only this methodcomplies with national electrical codes, local codesand ordinances.) Unless the above groundingmethod is followed, you are not protected againstsevere or lethal shock in the event of a short circuitof an electrical component or wiring of the unit.