—ABB MEASUREMENT & ANALYTICS | TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION | TD/ZIDC/TZIDC-200/ NON-CONTACT_SENSOR-EN REV. ATZIDC, TZIDC-200Digital positionerTechnical description for manualconfiguration of the contactless360° sensor.—TZIDCTZIDC-200IntroductionDevices from HW rev.: 5.01 can be equipped withthe order option “Contactless position feedback”.The position feedback then takes place via a 360°sensor without mechanical end stops.This allows a wider operating range of up to 350°.The operating range can then be at any point inthe sensor range.If the device's installation situation is differentfrom the standard described in the operatinginstructions, such as gear rack actuators, furtherparameter settings will be required.The parameter settings are described in thisTechnical description.Additional InformationAdditional documentation on TZIDC, TZIDC-200 isavailable for download free of charge atwww.abb.com/positioners.Alternatively simply scan this code: