Operation, configuration and communication40 Sensyflow iG, Version 1.00 42/14-39 EN7.5 Overview of parameterization optionsThe following table shows an overview of the most important parameterization options and menus inwhich changes can be made.ParameterMENU ITEMSelection/possible entry Where?Display language selectionLANGUAGEGermanEnglishFrench4th. Language, currently PortuguesePARAMETER MENUDevice addressDP SLAVE ADDRESS0…126 PARAMETER MENUCharacteristic selectionCHARACTERISTICSelect from max. 4 characteristics for differentgases and nominal widths (optional)PARAMETER MENUMass flow display unitMASS FLOW UNITt/d, t/h, t/m, t/skg/d, kg/h, kg/m, kg/sg/h, g/m, g/slb/d, lb/h, lb/m, lb/sNm 3 /d, Nm 3/h, Nm 3/m, Nm 3 /sNl/d, Nl/h, Nl/m, Nl/sSCFD, SCFH, SCFM, SCFSTB FLOW MENUECreep-flow suppressionCREEP-FLOW AMOUNTInput as mass flow units, default=0 TB FLOW MENUTemperature display unitTEMPERATURE UNITSelect from °C, F, K TB GAS TEMP MENUZero offsetgas temperatureZERO OFFSET GASPossible entry of a temperature offset TB GAS TEMP MENUOutput in case of error forFLOW and TEMPERROR SIGNALSUBSTITUTION VALUELAST VALID VALUE (output of last validmeasuring value)ERROR VALUE (faulty measuring value)SUBSTITUTION VALUE ERROR (output ofselected FLOW SUBSTITUTION VALUE)AI FLOW MENUAI GAS TEMP MENUFilter timeFLOW and TEMPFILTER TIMEFor signal attenuation, selectablebetween 0.2 s and 100 sAI FLOW MENUAI GAS TEMP MENULimit valuesFLOW, TEMP, INTEGRATORMIN / MAX ALARMMIN / MAX WARNINGSelectable for flow, gas temperature and inte-grator value (only MAX ALARM/WARNING)within the measuring rangesAI FLOW MENUAI GAS TEMP MENUTOTAL MENULimit value hysteresisFLOW and TEMPHYSTERESISHysteresis function for warning and alarm AI FLOW MENUAI GAS TEMP MENUSimulation of signalsFLOW and TEMPSIMULATION, SIMUL. VALUESTATUS QUALITYSTATUS LIMITSimulation of a flow or temperature va-lueSimulation of a STATUS signalSimulation of a limit value STATUSAI FLOW MENUAI GAS TEMP MENUActivate and reset integratorCHANGE INTEGRATORActivate with TOTALReset with RESET TOTALPreset value with PRESET TOTALTOTAL MENUStop the integratorINTEGRATOR STOPStop with HOLDActivate with TOTALTOTAL MENUIntegrator behavior in case of errorERROR BEHAVIORRUN ( integrator continues to run with faultymeasuring value)HOLD (integrator stopped)MEMORY ( integrator continues to run with lastvalid measuring value)TOTAL MENU