OPC Alarms and Events Area Space Section 3 Features1MRS755221 33The generated event type for a signal is always a condition event. The event categoriesused by the SPA OPC Server are listed in Table 3-5. They are described more precisely insections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2.The event definitions for the Discrete event categories must be defined in theconfiguration so that they can be used. The other event types do not need anyconfiguration.In each condition event notification the vendor specific attribute CV (current value) isincluded. This attribute holds the current value of the signal that generated the event.3.3.1 System message eventsThe SPA OPC Server generates system message events for some notifications from thedevices or lines. The notifications may be device_started, device_suspended,etc.The source of such an event is the node name of the device or line from which thenotification originates. The message is "Operation failed (status code number)". Forinformation on status codes, see Status Codes on page 57.System message events may also be generated to inform about internal problems in theSPA OPC Server, e.g. communication queues filling up.3.3.2 Discrete (Indication) eventsDiscrete events describe a state change in a signal that can be a single or doubleindication, for example a signal that represents the position of a breaker. Discrete eventshave multiple sub-conditions depending on the signal type. Events for single indicationshave two sub-conditions, and events for double indications have four sub-conditions, seeAdding event definitions on page 54.Table 3-5: Event categories and event typesEvent category Event typeSystem Message simpleDiscrete condition