• Startup element is sensitive enough to detect theabnormal status of the protected system• Startup element does not influence the operation speed ofmain protection• Startup element would detect the evolving faults, highimpedance faults and three phase fault on weak side• It is possible to block the each sub function of startupelement• Startup signal has a settable pulse time4. Impedance protectionDistance protection zone, quadrilateral characteristicZMQPDIS, ZMQAPDISThe line distance protection is an up to five (depending onproduct variant) zone full scheme protection function with threefault loops for phase-to-phase faults and three fault loops forphase-to-earth faults for each of the independent zones.Individual settings for each zone in resistive and reactive reachgives flexibility for use as back-up protection for transformerconnected to overhead lines and cables of different types andlengths.Distance measuring zone, quadrilateral characteristic(ZMQPDIS) together with Phase selection with loadencroachment (FDPSPDIS) has functionality for loadencroachment, which increases the possibility to detect highresistive faults on heavily loaded lines, as shown in figure 7.en05000034.vsdRXForwardoperationReverseoperationIEC05000034 V1 ENFigure 7. Typical quadrilateral distance protection zone with Phaseselection with load encroachment function FDPSPDISactivatedThe independent measurement of impedance for each faultloop together with a sensitive and reliable built-in phaseselection makes the function suitable in applications withsingle-phase autoreclosing.Built-in adaptive load compensation algorithm preventsoverreaching of zone 1 at load exporting end at phase-to-earthfaults on heavily loaded power lines.The distance protection zones can operate independently ofeach other in directional (forward or reverse) or non-directionalmode. This makes them suitable, together with differentcommunication schemes, for the protection of power lines andcables in complex network configurations, such as parallellines, multi-terminal lines.Distance measuring zone, quadrilateral characteristic forseries compensated lines ZMCPDIS, ZMCAPDISThe line distance protection is an up to five (depending onproduct variant) zone full scheme protection with three faultloops for phase-to-phase faults and three fault loops for phase-to-earth fault for each of the independent zones. Individualsettings for each zone resistive and reactive reach give flexibilityfor use on overhead lines and cables of different types andlengths.Quadrilateral characteristic is available.Distance measuring zone, quadrilateral characteristic for seriescompensated lines (ZMCPDIS) function has functionality forload encroachment which increases the possibility to detecthigh resistive faults on heavily loaded lines.en05000034.vsdRXForwardoperationReverseoperationIEC05000034 V1 ENFigure 8. Typical quadrilateral distance protection zone with loadencroachment function activatedThe independent measurement of impedance for each faultloop together with a sensitive and reliable built in phaseselection makes the function suitable in applications with singlephase auto-reclosing.Built-in adaptive load compensation algorithm for thequadrilateral function prevents overreaching of zone1 at load1MRK 506 372-BEN -Line distance protection REL670 2.2Product version: 2.226 ABB