WaterMasterElectromagnetic flowmeter 2 Parameter Tables4 IM/WMPBST–EN Rev. B24 / 8SOFTWARE_REVISIONRevision number of the device firmware.VisibleString 16 Cst r / C / a ’? ’25 / 9HARDWARE_REVISIONRevision number of the device hardware.VisibleString 16 Cst r / C / a ’? ’26 / 10DEVICE_MAN_IDUnique identifier of the device manufacturer.Unsigned 16 2 Cst r / C / a 2627 / 11DEVICE_IDManufacturer specific identification of the device.VisibleString 16 Cst r / C / a 'FEX100–DP'28 / 12DEVICE_SER_NUMUnique transmitter identification number.VisibleString 16 Cst r / C / a 129 / 13DIAGNOSISStandard diagnostic information for the device.OctetString 4 D r / C / a 030 / 14DIAGNOSIS_EXTENSIONExtended diagnostic information for the device.OctetString 6 D r / C / a 031 / 15DIAGNOSIS_MASKMask for Diagnostic information bytes.OctetString 4 Cst r / C / a 032 / 16DIAGNOSIS_MASK_EXTENSIONMask for Extended Diagnostic information bytes.OctetString 6 Cst r / C / a 0xFE,0xBF,0x67,0xFF,0xBD,0x0133 / 17DEVICE_CERTIFICATIONAvailable certifications for the device.VisibleString 32 Cst r / C / a ’ ’34 / 18WRITE_LOCKINGSoftware write locking for the PROFIBUS interface.0: Write Locking Enabled2457: Write Locking DisabledUnsigned 16 2 N r,w / C / a Write LockingDisabled35 / 19FACTORY_RESETReset functions to the device EEPROM Device and Bus AddressChanges to this parameter cause the instrument to reboot.1: Reset ROM Defaults2506: Soft Reset2712: Default Station AddressUnsigned 16 2 S r,w / C / a –36 / 20DESCRIPTORDevice descriptive text.OctetString 32 S r,w / C / a ’ ’37 / 21DEVICE_MESSAGEDevice message text.OctetString 32 S r,w / C / a ’ ’Abs. Idx /Rel. Idx Variable Name / Brief Description Data Type Size StoreAccess /Usage /TransportDefaultTable 2.2 Slot 0 – Physical Block (Continued)