—A B B M E A S U R E M E N T & A N A LY T I C S | O P E R AT I N G I N S T R U C T I O NPGS100 and PAS100Gauge and absolute pressure transmittersEngineered solutions for allapplicationsMeasurement made easyIntroductionThe present manual provides information oninstalling, operating, troubleshooting the PGS andPAS pressure transmitter models. Every section ofthe present manual is specifically dedicated to thespecific phase of the transmitter lifecycle startingfrom the receipt of the transmitter and itsidentification, passing to the installation, to theelectrical connections, to the configuration and tothe troubleshooting and maintenance operations,as applicable.The pressure transmitters model PGS and PAS arefield mounted, microprocessor based electronictransmitters. Accurate and reliable measurement ofgauge and absolute pressure is provided, in the evenmost difficult and hazardous industrialenvironments. These models can be configured toprovide specific industrial output signals accordingto 4 to 20mA with HART digital communication.For more informationFurther publications for PGS and PAS family ofpressure products are available for free downloadfrom:www.abb.com/measurementor by scanning this code:Download the Brochure or search forRB/PGS/PAS100-EN on https://library.abb.com/en.—PGS100/PAS100 model