IB ABBmotor is unavailable. Engage the handle with the drivecarrier as demonstrated in Figure 2. Charge springsby ratcheting the carrier with a smooth, deliberatemotion. Charge until a latching sound is heard as theclosing springs snap over-center. At this point, thecarrier no longer engages teeth of the driven gear andthe stored energy indicator will display “SPRINGSCHARGED”.The loaded action of the drive carrier occasionallyback-drives the motor crank arm into a position thatholds the carrier at partial stroke. The crank arm mustbe physically rotated to allow the carrier to cycle andengage the next tooth of the charging gear. WithAmetek motors, this can be accomplished by forcingthe carrier upward against the resistance of the motorgearing. Because of the higher gearing torque of theRyobi charging motor, resetting the carrier is mosteasily accomplished by rotating the motor armature.DANGERThe motor must be isolated from control power beforeattempting to turn the armature. Beware of a hot commutator ifthe motor was just operated. Do the following:• Rack the circuit breaker to the DISCONNECTED positionto isolate it from the control circuit. (Stationary breakersmust have the control circuit de-energized).• Wearing a glove (measure of safety), rotate the armatureby turning it at the exposed commutator.Manually Operated MechanismCircuit breakers with a MO mechanism are operatedwith the T-shaped closing handle. The mechanismcloses the breaker independent of handle operatingspeed. In one operation, the closing springs bothcharge and then discharge to close the breakerwithout an intermediate stored energy condition.Manually operated mechanisms therefore do not havea close control circuit, close latching, or an automaticspring discharge feature.Closing OperationElectrically Operated MechanismThe energy of discharged closing springs drives thebreaker mechanism to close the breaker contacts.Closure is initiated locally at the escutcheon panel orremotely by electrical means.Standard equipment allows closing at the escutcheonpanel using either the mechanical close lever or theelectrical push button close. The close buttonactuates the release (close) coil in the control relaydevice. Remote closure uses the same release coilcircuit.Manually Operated MechanismManually operated breakers are closed at the end ofthe charging cycle during the continuous handlemotion described in the charging section.Opening OperationThe loaded contact springs and two charged openingsprings provide the energy for opening the circuitbreaker. Opening is either manual or automatic.Manual opening is performed locally with themechanical push button trip or the optional pushbutton electric trip. The push button electric tripactuates the shunt trip device. Remote opening usesthe same shunt trip circuit. Automatic tripping isinitiated with an overcurrent or undervoltage device.As visualized in Figure 8, depending on the mode ofcircuit breaker opening, the secondary trip latchoperates either independently or dependently withthe tripper bar. Shunt tripping and mechanical pushbutton tripping operate the latch directly withoutusing the tripper bar. Overcurrent and undervoltagedevices actuate the tripper bar, which in turn rotatesthe secondary trip latch. This distinctiondiscriminates between an intentional opening and anautomatic trip event because the tripper bar alsoactuates the automatic trip indicator.Slow-close ProcedureThe purpose of the slow-close procedure is forchecking the travel of the contact assemblies andadjusting the simultaneous-make between poles.WARNINGThe circuit breaker should be clamped down during the slow-close procedure to keep it from tilting while manually chargingthe closing springs.Electrically Operated MechanismCAUTIONThe charging cranks must be reset after the last slow-closeoperation or future electrical operation will be impossible (seesteps #8, #9 and #10 below).1. Charge the closing springs electrically or manuallyand observe the closing spring charge indicator.Turn off the motor disconnect switch.2. Referencing Figure 3, insert a screwdriver throughthe hole in the escutcheon box and depress theclose block pin lever downward.3. With the close block pin lever held in the downposition, initiate closure with the manual closelever. Instead of the breaker closing, the springload transfers to the close block. The close blockpin lever will remain in the down position.4. Insert the maintenance handle in the motor drivecarrier as shown in Figure 2. Slowly close thebreaker contacts by actuating the handle.To repeat the slow-close operation, continue with thefollowing steps:5. Re-insert the maintenance handle and completethe charging cycle until the indicator shows"SPRlNGS CHARGED" (may already be the caseas in step #4).