1GEH6280 INSTRUCTIONSPower Break® II Circuit Breaker AccessoriesMechanical CounterIntroductionThe Mechanical Counter, shown in Figure 1, can be installedin 800-4000 ampere frame Power Break II circuit breakers.Its function is to count the number of times the breaker isclosed. The catalog number when ordered with a circuitbreaker for factory installation is SPCOUNTER. The catalognumber of the field installable Mechanical Counter kit isSPCOUNTERR.control power to the accessories and motor operator (ifpresent). If it is a draw-out breaker, rack it out.Loosen the four #8-32 screws on the trim-plate assemblyand remove the trim plate.Loosen the four screws at the corners of the breakercover. Remove the cover from the breaker face.On the breaker cover, use a screwdriver to punch outthe knockout above the CHARGE-DISCHARGE flagopening.Hold the ON-OFF flag towards the ON position, thencarefully insert the flag lockout plate to retain the flagin this position. The flag lockout plate should beinstalled close to the side frame on which the ON-OFFflag pivots and over the larger diameter portion ofthe mechanism cross pin. The installed flag lockoutplate is shown in Figure 2.and over the larger diameter portionmechanism cross pin. The installed flag lockoutplate is shown in FigureLocate the two mounting holes through the sideframe, behind the CHARGE DISCHARGE flag. Place thespring-loaded Mechanical Counter arm above the tabon the ON-OFF flag, while simultaneously inserting thetwo pins on the Mechanical Counter through the holesin the side frame.Slide the straight legs of the provided clip over the pinon the Mechanical Counter furthest from the ON-OFFflag. Rotate the clip counterclockwise until the cir-cular part of the clip snaps over the second pin on theMechanical Counter.Carefully remove the flag lockout plate, allowing theON-OFF flag to return to the OFF position. The instal-led Mechanical Counter is shown in Figure 3.LOCKOUTPLATE—Figure 1. Mechanical Counter.OperationThe count displayed by the Mechanical Counter is increme-nted each time the circuit breaker is closed.—Figure 2. Flag lockout plate installed in breaker.InstallationWARNING: Before installing any accessories, turnthe breaker OFF, disconnect it from all voltage sources,and discharge the closing springs.AVERTISSEMENT: Avant d'installer tout accessoire, mettre ledisjoncteur en position OFF, le déconnecter de toute tensiond'alimentation, et décharge les ressorts d'armementInstall the Mechanical Counter with the following procedure.1. Turn off the breaker, discharge the springs,and turn off2.