—A B B M E A S U R E M E N T & A N A LY T I C S | O P E R AT I N G I N S T R U C T I O N | O I/AC A 5 9 2 / EC - E N R E V. BEndura ACA5924-electrode conductivity transmitterMeasurement made easyIntroductionEndura ACA592 4-electrode transmitters aresuitable for wide-range conductivity applicationsand slurries.The ACA592 transmitter is fully compatible withABB’s comprehensive range of 4-electrodeconductivity sensors and enables users to measureconductivity in applications from clean water toharsh chemicals.The ACA592 has automatic temperature sensorrecognition for both 2- and 3-wire RTD inputs fromcommon inputs such as Pt100, Pt1000 and 3kBalco.ACA592 transmitters are communication-readyfield devices with microprocessor-controlledelectronics. For bi-directional communication, anFSK signal is superimposed on the 4 to 20 mAoutput signal via the HART protocol.The device type manager (DTM) can be used toconfigure, poll and test devices on a PC. Handheldterminals such as the DHH801 also supportcommunication.The transmitter is equipped with an LCD displayused to show the current process data. The 4 keysbeneath the transmitter enable local configuration.—Rugged designtransmitter forindustrial applications