Functional Software DescriptionDCS 500 Software Description 1• General The DC drive named DCS 500B is equipped with a SDCS-CON-2microprocessor board. The original version was called DCS 500and was equipped with a SDCS-CON-1 board.The DCS 500B has a MODBUS communication bus connection,which is a common bus protocol for ABB Drives products for thepanel link.The DCS 500B drive can be controlled by means of digital andanalog inputs or via the CDP 312 Control Panel.The DCS 500B software contains the function blocks of a standardapplication program and function blocks which can be connectedto each other to form more advanced application programs. Astandard program is designed so that it contains numerous func-tions, is flexible and suitable for most of the basic drive applica-tions.Typical application areas for DCS 500B are:• Winder control• Master Follower• Positioning Control• Ski Lifts• Battery Charging• CranesHTG6SHHGFRQWUROOHU&XUUHQW &RQWURO )LULQJ XQLW'&027256SHHG $FWXDO6FDOLQJ&XUUHQW DFWXDOIRUPLQJ5DPSJHQHUDWRU(0)FDOF$& VXSSO\UpDownConstantsources6SHHGUHIHUQFH7RUTXH UHIHUHQFH$OSKD UHI&XUUHQW OLPLWDWLRQ7RUTXHUHIHUHQFHVHOHFWRU/RF5HP6SHHG UHIHUHQFHYLD SDQHO EXVDGG 6SHHGUHIHUHQFHFigure 1 DCS 500B armature control