ClientConcept_b.jpgFigure 2.3.4-1 Conceptual view of OPC clientIEC 61850 data modelling2.3.5.To simplify protocol conversion and signal mapping in the gateway, each componentuses a common data model. The data model is based on common data classes and servicesspecified in the IEC 61850 standard. Each client and server component is a separateprogram. The components interact with each other only via OPC interfaces. This meansthat they can be developed and used independently as a part of the gateway as long asthey conform with the OPC DA and common data model specifications.Protection and control products are connected to the gateway via OPC interfaces. AlthoughOPC provides means to access data on devices, it does not specify the semantics of thedata. This means that the same information is available in different formats dependingon which device and communication protocol is used. In addition, services, such asbreaker operation, vary among devices and protocols.These differences complicate the reuse of gateway applications. To overcome thisproblem, all the applicable data and services are remodeled in OPC servers accordingto the data and service model specified in the IEC 61850 standard. This provides a pro-tocol and device independent interface between the applications and the process. Fig-ure 2.3.5-1 presents an overview of the IEC 61850 model usage.17COM600 3.2COM600 Station Automation Series1MRS756125User's Guide