—abb.com/lowvoltageDocument number 2CDC135010D0204 Rev. B (1/2019)—ABB S T O T Z -KONTAKT GmbHElectrification P roducts DivisionLow V oltage P roducts and S ystemsEppelheimer Straße 8269123 Heidelberg, GermanyYou can find the address of your localsales organization on the ABB homepageAdditional informationWe reserve the right to make technicalchanges or modify the contents of thisdocument without prior notice. Withregard to purchase orders, the agreedparticulars shall prevail. ABB AG does notaccept any responsibility whatsoever forpotential errors or possible lack of infor-mation in this document.We reserve all rights in this document andin the subject matter and illustrationscontained therein. Any reproduction,disclosure to third parties or utilization ofits contents – in whole or in parts – isforbidden without prior written consentof ABB AG. Copyright© 2019 ABBAll rights reserved