24Note. CO 2 is refered to throughout this manual as thepurge gas. However, other gases such as Argon orNitrogen may be used instead.6.1 Katharometer Analyzer Panel –Filling the Drying Chamber – Fig. 6.11) Remove the drying chamber on the katharometer analyzerpanel by unscrewing the large knurled nut at the base of thechamber. Pull the chamber down and out of the sealinggroove to remove it from the panel.Note. The desiccant used in the drying chamber iseither granular anhydrous calcium sulphate or calciumchloride and absorbs moisture from the atmosphere.The drying chamber has a capacity of 140ml approx.and requires approx. 100g of desiccant to fill it. Fillingand resealing must be carried as quickly as possible.2) Open a container of fresh desiccant and fill the dryingchamber.3) Replace the drying chamber in its sealing groove andreposition the chamber to enable it to be secured and sealedby hand tightening the knurled nut.4) Carry out an approved leak testing procedure before passingsample gas through the system.6.2 Setting Sample FlowWhen all tubing interconnections have been made and externalparts of the sample system checked for leaks, carry out thefollowing procedure:1) Supply calibration quality CO 2 or Argon through the gasanalyzer system at the normal working pressure of theapplication plant and within the following limits:Model 6540-203125mm H 2 O min. to 0.35bar (gauge) max.Model 6548-000125mm H 2 O min. to 10bar (gauge) max.Note. In some instances testing for leaks with CO 2 orArgon may not be considered an adequate check ofgas tight integrity in respect of the more penetratinghydrogen gas. Consideration should be given to theuse of a gas, such as helium, which has penetratingproperties nearer to that of hydrogen.2) Slowly open the metering valve to give a nominal flowrate ofgas of 100 to 150ml min –1 . Do not exceed the maximumflowrate 250ml/min.3) Set the flowrate and shut off the calibration gas external tothe analyzer system.4) Repeat this procedure for each katharometer analyzer panel,as required.6 SETTING UPFig. 6.1 Location of Katharometer Analyzer Panel ComponentsTerminal box to connect low flowsensor to low flow alarmsFlow gauge withintegrated low flowsensor (optional)ElectricalInterconnectionsGas SampleOutletLocal ZeroAdjustmentKatharometerUnit CaseDrying ChamberMeteringValveGasSampleInlet