128 ACS550-02/U2 User’s ManualParametersComplete parameter descriptionsThis section describes the actual signals and parameters for ACS550.Group 99: START-UP DATAThis group defines special start-up data required to:• set up the drive• enter motor information.Code Description9901 LANGUAGESelects the display language. There are two different Assistant Control Panels, each supporting a different languageset. (Panel ACS-CP-L supporting languages 0, 2, 11…15 has been integrated into ACS-CP-A.)9902 APPLIC MACROSelects an application macro. Application macros automatically edit parameters to configure the ACS550 for aparticular application.-1 = USER S1 SAVE, -3 = USER S2 SAVE – With these it is possible to save two different user parameter sets into thedrive permanent memory for later use. Each set contains parameter settings, including Group 99: START-UPDATA, and the results of the motor identification run.0 = USER S1 LOAD, -2 = USER S2 LOAD – With these the user parameter sets can be taken back in use.9904 MOTOR CTRL MODESelects the motor control mode.1 = VECTOR: SPEED – sensorless vector control mode.• Reference 1 is speed reference in rpm.• Reference 2 is speed reference in % (100% is absolute maximum speed, equal to the value of parameter 2002MAXIMUM SPEED, or 2001 MINIMUM SPEED if the absolute value of the minimum speed is greater than the maximumspeed).2 = VECTOR: TORQ .• Reference 1 is speed reference in rpm.• Reference 2 is torque reference in % (100% is nominal torque.)3 = SCALAR: FREQ – scalar control mode.• Reference 1 is frequency reference in Hz.• Reference 2 is frequency reference in % (100% is absolute maximum frequency, equal to the value of parameter2008 MAXIMUM FREQ , or 2007 MINIMUM FREQ if the absolute value of the minimum speed is greater than themaximum speed).Assistant Control Panel ACS-CP-A:Assistant Control Panel ACS-CP-D (Asia):0 = ENGLISH 1 = ENGLISH ( AM ) 2= DEUTSCH 3 = ITALIANO 4 = ESPAÑOL5 = PORTUGUES 6 = NEDERLANDS 7 = FRANÇAIS 8 = DANSK 9 = SUOMI10 = SVENSKA 11 = RUSSKI 12 = POLSKI 13 = TÜRKÇE 14 = CZECH15 = MAGYAR0 = ENGLISH 1 = CHINESE 2 = KOREAN 3 = JAPANESE1 = ABB STANDARD 2 = 3-WIRE 3 = ALTERNATE 4 = MOTOR POT 5 = HAND/ AUTO6 = PID CONTROL 7 = PFC CONTROL 8 = TORQUE CTRL0 = USER S1 LOAD -1 = USER S1 SAVE -2 = USER S2 LOAD -3 = USER S2 SAVEPhone: 800.894.0412 - Fax: 888.723.4773 - Web: www.clrwtr.com - Email: info@clrwtr.com