66 PROGRAMMINGFig. 6.1 Location of Serial Data Interface PageThe general programming procedure is as detailed in the relevant Instruction Manual, but with an additional Set Up Serial Interfaceframe in the Set Up Instrument page.6.1 Serial Interface PageRefer to Section 6.3 (Set Up Instrument) in the relevant Instruction Manual.CLOCK SETUP. PAGE 3.2Date (DD/MM/YY) = xx/xx/xxTime (HH:MM) = xx:xxSET UP INSTRUMENT PAGE 3.1Software issue = xControl temperature = xx.x‘CDisplay units = Display units as = xxxAlter setup security code = xxxxSET UP INSTRUMENT PAGE 3.0Enter security code xxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxPage 0DIAGNOSTIC INFORMATION PAGE 1.0Next 5 weekly service = DD/MMNext yearly service = DD/MM/YYMonitor in serviceMAINTENANCE AND CALIBRATION. PAGE 2.0Enter security code xxxxSET UP CURRENT OUTPUTS PAGE 4.0Output range 1 = 0 to xxx Calibration hold = NOOutput range 2 = 0 to xxx Calibration hold = NOOutput type = xx to xx mATest output = NOSET UP SERIAL INTERFACE PAGE 3.3Baud Rate = xxxxParity = xxxxID = xxSET UP SERIAL INTERFACE PAGE 3.3Baud Rate = xxxxParity = xxxxID = xxBaud RateSelect the transmission rate required (1200 slowest, 9600fastest).ParitySelect the appropriate parity (None, Odd or Even) to match thecomputer terminal or host computer.Transmitter IdentificationAssign the transmitter an identification number (1 to 99) – seeSection 4.1. The identification number allows more than onetransmitter to be accessed via the communication channel.