15xx.x% OxygenAlarm Setpoint00000SECURITY CODE-----SET UP OUTPUTS5.0Alarm Setpoint-----Alarm Action EB-----RTX Type 4-20-----LOG Output Yes25.00Retrans. Span0.25Retrans. Zero0.0Test Retrans (%)00000Alter Sec. Codexx.x0-20NoEAELECTRICAL CALmA Zero (4mA)mA Span (20mA)Res. Zero (2K0)Calibrate YESRes.Span (10K0)Adjust RTX SpanAdjust RTX Zero-----xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx----------NO-----Secure ParametersOperating PageSection 6.2, Page 14Access to Secure ParametersSection 7.1, Page 15Set Up Outputs PageSection 7.3, Page 16Operating Parameters0-10-----EnglishLanguage PageSection 7.2, Page 15DeutschFrancaisEspanõl00000SECURITY CODE-----LANGUAGE PAGEEnglish-----SET UP OUTPUTS-----DeutschFrancaisEspanõlFig. 7.1 Overall Programming ChartSecurity CodeEnter the required code number, between 00000 and 19999, to gain access to the secureparameters. If an incorrect value is entered, subsequent programming pages cannot beaccessed.Advance to Language page.7.2 Language PageLanguage PageSelect the language to be displayed on all subsequent pages.Advance to Set Up Outputs page.7.1 Access to Secure Parameters7 PROGRAMMING