frame) for 8 hours.The camera is equipped with an instantly charged supercapacitorbuffer that is designed to keep time between battery changes. Keepin mind that a battery which is too low to run the camera hasenough energy to drive internal clock for hours. Get into the habitof leaving an exhausted battery on-board the camera until you havea fresh battery close by. The supercapacitor allows a full minute forbattery replacement before timecode is lost.8.3 ORIGINCPLUS MASTERCLOCKFor the most efficient and foolproof means of working with Aaton-Code, it is highly recommended that an Aaton device called Ori-ginCplus is used. OriginCplus can be quickly programmed with aproduction ID, full date and time of day, then initialize timecodedevices in either ASCII or SMPTE form. OriginCplus is TCXO-controlled and will run for 150 hours with an internal 9V lithiumcell; it is designed to be left on during the shoot day and used as acomparator to monitor timecode drift between devices.OriginCplus can also be used as a SMPTE generator to supply accu-rate timecode for slates and inserters, or to record timecode on oneaudio channel of a non timecode audio recorder.8.4 INITIALIZING AATONCODE IN THECAMERAThere are two ways in which AatonCode can be initialized in theAATON 35-III camera. The preferred method is by means of the Ori-ginCplus, which inputs timecode in ASCII form. It is also possible for thecamera to receive information in SMPTE from directly from a SMPTEtimecode device such as an TC audio recorder. Both methods are detailedbelow.79AATON CODE