LZ SeriesChillers and Outdoor Mechanical RoomsInstallation, Operation,& MaintenanceFIRE OR EXPLOSION HAZARDFailure to follow safety warningsexactly could result in serious injury,death or property damage.Be sure to read and understand theinstallation, operation and serviceinstructions in this manual.Improper installation, adjustment,alteration, service or maintenance cancause serious injury, death or propertydamage.A copy of this IOM should be kept withthe unit.Do not store gasoline or otherflammable vapors and liquids in thevicinity of this or any other appliance.WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS Do not try to light any appliance. Do not touch any electrical switch. Do not use any phone in yourbuilding. Leave the building immediately. Immediately call you gas supplierfrom a phone remote from thebuilding. Follow the gas supplier’sinstructions. If you cannot reach your gassupplier call the fire department.Startup and service must beperformed by a Factory TrainedService Technician.WARNING WARNING