21⑥ [Network] => Wireless Setup => Wireless Security.-. Open System: Select this if your AP router does not require a password to connect.-. Shared Key(WEP): Select this if your AP router is secured with a WEP password and input using the on-screen keyboard.-. WPA: Select this if your AP router is secured with a WPA password and input using the on-screen keyboard.-. OK(Open) / OK(Skey): Please check your wireless security configuration of the AP router first and then select theappropriate option.⑥ [Network] => Wireless Setup => Wireless AddressSetup: You can obtain an IP address automatically ormanually key in your own IP address.⑥ [Network] => Wireless Setup => Wireless AddressSetup: After setup, press [Select a connection profile] andthe Playon!DVRHD will obtain an IP address and connectto the AP router or PC.⑥ [Network] => Wireless Setup: Displays the IP addressand signal strength once connected