ADMINISTRATOR SECTION CHAPTER 2: ACCESS THE ADMIN C ONSOLE8 E 6 T ECHNOLOGIES , A PPLIANCE W ATCHDOG A DMINISTRATOR U SER G UIDE 15online help, with a link to the latest 8e6 ApplianceWatchdog Administrator User Guide in the PDF format.• About - Clicking this menu item opens a pop-up boxcontaining the following information about this applica-tion: Product version number, 8e6 Web site link, 8e6Customer support email address link and phone number.Click OK to close this pop-up box.TIP: The Administrator console can be moved by clicking in thetitle bar while dragging the console to another area of yourdesktop.Use the System Tray icon menuWhen right-clicking the system tray icon, a menu openscontaining the following items:• Alerts - Selecting this item opens the 8e6 Watchdog -Active Alerts pop-up window that displays informationabout recent alerts.• Restore - Selecting this item launches the Administratorconsole if the console is not already open.• Exit GUI only - If the console is currently open, selectingthis item closes the Administrator console and removesthe Watchdog icon from the system tray. If the Adminis-trator console is already closed, only the latter action willbe performed.• Exit and Stop Service - If the console is currently open,selecting this item closes the Administrator console,stops the service from running, and removes theWatchdog icon from the system tray. If the Administratorconsole is already closed, only the latter two actions willbe performed.TIP: The Administrator console can be re-accessed—and thesystem tray icon reloaded—by going to the Start menu andselecting 8e6 Watchdog from the menu.