3e–527A3 Wireless Access Point – 8 Port Chapter 5: Wireless Bridge Configuration86 29000152-001 BRadio SettingsWireless Mode 802.11a802.11a TurboSets the wireless mode for the wireless bridge.Tx Rate 802.11aAUTO,6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54MbpsWhen set to AUTO, the card attempts to select theoptimal rate for the channel. If a fixed rate is used,the card will only transmit at that rate.802.11a TurboAUTO The card attempts to select the optimal rate for thechannel.Channel No. 802.11a149 (5.745 GHz)153 (5.765 GHz)157 (5.785 GHz)161 (5.805 GHz)165 (5.825 GHz)Sets the channel frequency for the wireless bridge.802.11a Turbo152 (5.76 GHz) Turbo Mode160 (5.80 GHz) Turbo ModeSets the channel frequency for the wireless bridge.Tx Pwr Mode OFFFIXED,AUTOThe Tx Pwr Mode defaults to AUTO, giving thelargest range of radio transmission available underambient conditions.The wireless bridge's broadcast range can belimited by setting the Tx Pwr Mode to Fixed andchoosing from 1-5 for Fixed Pwr Level.If you want to prevent any radio frequency trans-mission from the wireless bridge, set the Tx PwrMode to OFF. This will not turn off RF transmis-sions from any associated wireless devices, butthey will not be able to communicate with the wire-less bridge when the Tx Pwr Mode is off.Fixed Pwr Level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Select a range when Rx Pwr Mode is set to FIXED.Level 1 is the shortest distance (Level 1=7dBm) andLevel 5 is the longest (Level 5=15dBm)PropagationDistance< 5 Miles5-10 Miles11-15 Miles16-20 Miles21-25 Miles26-30 Miles> 30 MilesSet the distance based on the distance between thisbridge and furthest bridge that is connected to it.RTS Threshold Range 1-2346 The number of bytes used for the RTS/CTS hand-shake boundary. When a packet size is greaterthan the RTS threshold, the RTS/CTS handshakingis performed.BSSID Enter hexadecimal num-bersAdd the MAC address of the remote bridge. Theremote bridge's MAC address will appear at thebottom of the screen.Note You can enter a note that defines the location of theremote bridge.