42WARNING –PRINTJET NOZZLE TIP BECOMES EXTREMELY HOT DURING SET-UP AND OPERA-TION. DO NOT TOUCH NOZZLE.Do not change color of material or cartridge during printing; doing so may damage theCube.NOTE: Your Cube will have printed test creations before leaving the factory. These test creationsmay have been printed in a different material color than you are using. Therefore, a small amountof material may be remaining in the print jet. The start of your first creation may have some of thismaterial color until it transitions over to your material color.PRINTING YOUR FIRST CREATION22To get started printing your first creation; the .stl or .creation files that were downloaded when you activated your accountwill need to be converted to a .Cube file. This is the machine code file that the Cube printer will read to build your creation.WI-FI Connection: if you wished to connect to WI-FI via Ad hoc or WPS connection, please refer to Section 12, WI-FISet-Up and follow the step by step instructions. Then resume these instructions and follow the steps below to connect toyour Cube. These steps apply to both Ad Hoc and WPS connections.1. Open Cube Software and click on “Configure.” Click on your Cube model in the dialog box and click on “Con-nected. Your computer is now connected to your Cube.Click here firstClick heresecondClick herethird