22 Chapter 4: Logging Into the OSN|M Linux SystemConfiguration procedure1 Ensure network connectivity between the SSH client and the OSN|M’sEth1 interface.2 Configure the SSH client’s IP address and that of the Eth1 interface to beon the same network segment. The IP address of Eth1 is default.3 Add the following two switch ports to the same VLAN:■ The port connected with SSH client, GigabitEthernet 1/0/2 in thisexample.■ The port connected with OSN|M’s Eth1, GigabitEthernet 1/1/2 in thisexample.After completing the above configuration, run the SSH client program onthe SSH client, and input the IP address of Eth1 as the SSH server address.You can log into the OSN|M’s Linux system after the connection isestablished.Logging In througha Switch 5500GCommand LineInterfaceYou can log into a switch through a console port or an Ethernet port,then connect to the switch’s OSN|M or to another switch’s (in the samefabric) OSN|M. In this case, if the Linux system on the OSN|M is running,the control terminal interface on the switch will switch from thecommand line interface (CLI) to the Linux system operating interface.After the switchover, you can return to the CLI of the switch using theshortcut key Ctrl+K.To connect to the OSN|M’s Linux system, use the OSM connect unit unit-idcommand. This command is available in user view.n ■ For instructions on configuring the OSN|M on a switch, refer to 3ComSwitch 5500G OSN|M Configuration and Command Reference Guide.■ If you load services software on the OSN|M, you need to enablecertain protocols such as the Application Control Forwarding Protocol(ACFP) and ACSEI for information interaction on the OSN|M residentswitch. For details, refer to 3Com Switch 5500G OSN|M Configurationand Command Reference Guide.ConfigurationExample# On the switch, use the osm connect command to connect to theOSN|M’s Linux system.