Bootrom update menu:1. Set TFTP protocol parameter2. Set FTP protocol parameter3. Set XMODEM protocol parameter0. Return to boot menuEnter your choice(0-3):Step 4: Enter 2 in the above menu to download the Boot ROM using FTP. Then set the followingFTP-related parameters as required:Load File name :switch.btmSwitch IP address : IP address : User Name :SwitchFTP User Password :abcStep 5: Press . The system displays the following information:Are you sure to update your bootrom?Yes or No(Y/N)Step 6: Enter Y to start file downloading or N to return to the Boot ROM update menu. If you enter Y, thesystem begins to download and update the program. Upon completion, the system displays thefollowing information:Loading........................................doneBootrom updating..........done!z Loading host softwareFollow these steps to load the host software:Step 1: Select <1> in BOOT Menu and press . The system displays the following information:1. Set TFTP protocol parameter2. Set FTP protocol parameter3. Set XMODEM protocol parameter0. Return to boot menuEnter your choice(0-3):Enter 2 in the above menu to download the host software using FTP.The subsequent steps are the same as those for loading the Boot ROM, except for that the systemgives the prompt for host software loading instead of Boot ROM loading.When loading the Boot ROM and host software using FTP through BOOT menu, you are recommendedto use the PC directly connected to the device as FTP server to promote upgrading reliability.60-10