9-2ges to TIME_WAIT. Ifnon-FIN re received, the sy r from receiving th FIN packet.roken after the timer expires.z Size of TCP receive/send bufferF CPterminated. If FIN packets are received, the TCP connection state chanpackets a stem restarts the time e last non-The connection is bollow these steps to configure T attributes:To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view —Configure Ttimeout valuCP synwait timer’se tcp timer syn-timeout time-value Optional75 seconds by default.Configure TCP finwait timer’s Optionaltimeout value tcp timer fin-timeout time-value 675 seconds by default.Configure the size of TCPreceive/send bufferOptionaltcp window window-size 8 kilobytes by default.Disabling ICMP to Send Error PacketsSending error packets is a major function of ICMP protocol. In case of network abnormalities, ICMPpackets are usu by the network or transport tify correspondi soa agementAlthough sending ICMP error packets facilitate control and management, it still has the followingdz Sending a lot of ICMP packets will increase network traffic.z licious pac send ICMP error packets, the device’sperformance will be reduced.z n function in ble size of a host, the host’s performancewill be reduced if its routing table becomes very large.z s ICMP destinat ckets, end users may be affected.Y ng network traffic andp alicious attacks.F IC ckets:ally sent layer protocols to no ng devicess to facilitate control and man .isadvantages:If receiving a lot of ma kets that cause it toAs the ICMP redirectio creases the routing taIf a host sends maliciou ion unreachable paou can disable the device from sendreventing ming such ICMP error packets for reduciollow these steps to disable sending MP error paTo do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view —Disable sending ICMP redirects undo icmp redirect send RequiredEnabled by default.Disable sending ICMP destinationunreachable packets undo icmp unreach send EnabRequiredled by default.Cance m-Defined ACLsI ttacks are common in netwo st malicious ICMP attacks, the devicep to match the ackets and process them thusred pact on normal asing network stabilitling the Syste for ICMP Attack GuardCMP a rks. To guard againre-defines some ACLs incoming ICMP p separately,y.ucing ICMP attacks’ im data packets and incre