6-3Security mode Description FeaturesuserLoginSecureIn this mode, a port performs 802.1Xauthentication of users in portbased mode andservices only one user passing 802.1Xauthentication.userLoginWithOUISimilar to the userLoginSecure mode, a port inthis mode performs 802.1X authentication ofusers and services only one user passing 802.1Xauthentication.The port also permits frames from a user whoseMAC address contains a specified OUI(organizationally unique identifier).macAddressWithRadiusIn this mode, a port performs MAC authenticationof users.macAddressOrUserLoginSecureThis mode is the combination of theuserLoginSecure and macAddressWithRadiusmodes, with 802.1X authentication having ahigher priorityThe port performs MAC authentication uponreceiving non-8021.x frames and performs802.1X authentication upon receiving 802.1Xframes.macAddressElseUserLoginSecureThis mode is the combination of themacAddressWithRadius and userLoginSecuremodes, with MAC authentication having a higherpriority.z Upon receiving a non-802.1X frame, a port inthis mode performs only MAC authentication.z Upon receiving an 802.1X frame, the portperforms MAC authentication and then, ifMAC authentication fails, 802.1Xauthentication.userLoginSecureExtIn this mode, a port performs 802.1Xauthentication of users in macbased mode andsupports multiple 802.1X users.macAddressOrUserLoginSecureExtThis mode is similar to themacAddressOrUserLoginSecure mode, exceptthat it supports multiple 802.1X and MACauthentication users on the port.macAddressElseUserLoginSecureExtThis mode is similar to themacAddressElseUserLoginSecure mode, exceptthat it supports multiple 802.1X and MACauthentication users on the port.In any of these modes,the device will triggerNTK and intrusionprotection upondetecting an illegalframe.