13-14To do… Use the command… RemarksConfigure the hoplimit ipv6 nd hop-limit value Optional64 by default.Enter interface view interface interface-typeinterface-number —Disable the RAmessagesuppressionundo ipv6 nd ra halt RequiredBy default, RA messages are suppressed.Configure themaximum andminimum intervals forsending RAmessagesipv6 nd ra intervalmax-interval-valuemin-interval-valueOptionalBy default, the maximum interval forsending RA messages is 600 seconds, andthe minimum interval is 200 seconds.The device sends RA messages at randomintervals between the maximum intervaland the minimum interval.The minimum interval should be less thanor equal to 0.75 times the maximuminterval.Configure the prefixinformation in RAmessagesipv6 nd ra prefix{ ipv6-address prefix-length |ipv6-address/prefix-length }valid-lifetimepreferred-lifetime[ no-autoconfig | off-link ] *OptionalBy default, no prefix information isconfigured for RA messages, and the IPv6address of the interface sending RAmessages is used as the prefix information.Set the M flag bit to 1 ipv6 nd autoconfigmanaged-address-flagOptionalBy default, the M flag bit is set to 0, that is,hosts acquire IPv6 addresses throughstateless autoconfiguration.Set the O flag bit to 1 ipv6 nd autoconfigother-flagOptionalBy default, the O flag bit is set to 0, that is,hosts acquire other information throughstateless autoconfiguration.Configure the routerlifetime in RAmessagesipv6 nd ra router-lifetimevalueOptional1800 seconds by default.Set the NSretransmission timeripv6 nd ns retrans-timervalueOptionalBy default, the local interface sends NSmessages at an interval of 1000milliseconds, and the value of the RetransTimer field in RA messages sent by thelocal interface is 0.Set the reachabletimeipv6 nd nudreachable-time valueOptionalBy default, the neighbor reachable time onthe local interface is 30000 milliseconds,and the value of the Reachable Timer fieldin RA messages is 0.