42 CHAPTER 3: MANAGING YOUR SWITCHManually ConfiguringIP InformationYou can manually configure the switch IP information by:■ Connecting a workstation to the switch’s console port using a console cable.You can then manually enter the IP information using the command lineinterface (CLI). This is the only way to assign an IP address to a device that doesnot have an IP address already, or that has an unknown IP address. You can alsouse this method to change switch’s IP information.■ Connecting a workstation to one of the port’s on the switch’s front panel usingan Ethernet cable. You can then manually enter the IP information using theweb interface or the command line interface. This is only applicable if thedevice already has an IP address and you know that address.Connecting to theConsole PortTo set up your switch manually you can make a connection to the console port,(this example describes a local connection to the console port, rather than oneusing a modem). You can do this while the switch is offline (before you connectthe switch to a network) or while the switch is online (connected to a network).Prerequisites■ A workstation with terminal emulation software installed, such as MicrosoftHyperterminal. This software allows you to communicate with the switch usingthe console port directly.■ Documentation supplied with the terminal emulation software.■ The console cable (RJ-45) supplied with your switch.You can find pin-out diagrams for the cable in “Pin-outs” on page 57.■ IP information, including:■ IP address■ subnet mask■ default gateway■ management VLAN ID, normally set to the default value (1)Connecting the Workstation to the SwitchTo connec the workstation to the switch, perform the following steps:1 Connect the workstation to the console port using the console cable as shown inFigure 31.Figure 31 Connecting a Workstation to the Switch using the Console PortTo connect the cable:a Attach the RJ-45 connector on the cable to the console port of the switch.b Attach the other end of the cable to the workstation and tighten the retainingscrews on the cable to prevent it from being loosened.Console PortConnectionWorkstation(with terminal emulationsoftware installed)Console CableSwitch