3COM Security Switch 6200 Applications Software Installation8-2 Installing the Squid Software Onto Your SystemInstalling theSquid SoftwareTo install the Squid software onto your system, complete the following:1 Log into your system as root.2 Locate the file app-squid-x.x-x.x.x.x.7xCOS.i686.rpm 1 and execute thefollowing command at the root prompt:[root@xxxxx root]# rpm -i app-squid-x.x-x.x.x.x.7xCOS.i686.rpmYou must now install the application as specified by the vendor.The vendor files have been copied to /usr/os/apps/Squid.3 Display the contents of the /usr/os/apps/Squid directory, using thefollowing command, and locate the rpm file squid-2.5.STABLE3-0.i386.rpm:[root@xxxxx root]# ls /usr/os/apps/Squid/squid-2.5.STABLE3-0.i386.rpm4 Change to the Squid directory, using the following command:[root@xxxxx root]# cd /usr/os/apps/Squid/5 Install the Squid software, using the above rpm:[root@xxxxx Squid]# rpm -i squid-2.5.STABLE3-0.i386.rpmFor further information on the Squid Web Proxy Cache softwareconfiguration, refer to the Squid documentation.1 Refer to the 3COM Security Switch 6200 Product Release Notes for the correct software version and rpm file name.