1 3COM ROUTER INTRODUCTIONThis chapter includes information on the following topics:■ Overview of the 3Com Router System■ Architecture of the 3Com Router■ Features of the 3Com Router Version 1.10■ New Features of the 3Com Router 1.xOverview of the 3ComRouter SystemThe 3Com Router OS is the network operating system platform. With TCP/IPprotocol stack as the core, the 3Com Router integrates data communicationessentials such as routing technology, multicast technology, QoS technology, VPNtechnology, security technology in the operating system and provides excellentdata transmission capability.The 3Com Router can run on multiple hardware platforms with consistentnetwork interface, user interface and management interface, providing flexibleand multiple application solutions for users.This manual describes features and functions of the 3Com Router 1.x systemsoftware platform series of low end and middle range routers. In this manual the3Com Router is also referred to as the 3Com Router 1.x software version. Youshould make sure that the 3Com Router you use is operating with the softwareversion documented in this manual.The software specification is different between various types of products. Productspecification related matters should be confirmed with the 3Com TechnicalSupport Department.Architecture of the3Com RouterWith TCP/IP model as its reference, the 3Com Router implements data link layer,network layer, and application layer protocols, as per the architecture shown in thefollowing diagram: